Adresse UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER CC105 Place Eugène Bataillon
courriel :
Site web :
Taille en ETP (sans compter les stagiaires):
entre 10 et 50.
Descriptif :
The lab « Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Diseases » (MMDN) is an interdisciplinary lab dedicated to research on the biology of ageing and of neurodegenerative diseases, from cells to humans. The overall scientific aim of MMDN is to improve our understanding of the molecular and social bases of "normal" ageing, as well as of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer¿s disease (AD), Parkinson¿s disease (PD), prion and Hungtinton¿s (HD) diseases, and to suggest new approaches for diagnosis, care and treatment. Our research is based on 3 specific themes :
1- Processes in ageing: from single cells to humans. Ageing is a continuum process that begins at conception, continues during development and for as long as we live. The main originality of the lab is that we are able to study ageing from the level of single neurons, to the level of human populations.
2- Conception and development of experimental models. Our goal is to identify and understand the early mechanisms of neurodegenerative processes before deleterious signs appear. We are developing various and complementary systems for the analysis of ageing and neurodegeneration, both in vitro (cell cultures) and in vivo (zebrafish, mice, rats, and primates).
3- Therapeutic strategies. Using our various animal models, we develop specific strategies in dealing with prion diseases and with AD. Regarding prion diseases, we have used an original approach consisting in lentiviral gene transfer of dominant negative prion protein. Regarding AD, we developed anti-Ab immunotherapy and pharmacotherapy aimed at original targets involved in endogenous neuroprotection, like the s1 chaperone.
Année de création :
Mission de la structure :
Mode de gestion de la structure :
Non renseigné.
SIRET de la structure :
Non renseigné.
Classement scientifique ERC
- LS5 : Neuroscience and Disorders of the Nervous System : Nervous system development, homeostasis and ageing, nervous system function and dysfunction, systems neuroscience and modelling, biological basis of cognitive processes and of behaviour, neurological and mental disorders
Domaine scientifique
- 5 : Biologie, médecine et santé 2007 0
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) de rattachement
ED 168 - SCIENCES CHIMIQUES ET BIOLOGIQUES POUR LA SANTÉ (CBS2), depuis le 01/01/2015, fin d'accréditation le 31/12/2026
ED 472 - ECOLE DOCTORALE DE L' ECOLE PRATIQUE DES HAUTES ETUDES, depuis le 01/01/2015, fin d'accréditation le 31/12/2024
Rattachée au(x) programme(s) LOLF suivant(s):
- prg150-06 : Recherche universitaire en sciences de la vie, biotechnologies et santé
- prg172-05 : Recherches scientifiques et technologiques en sciences de la vie, biotechnologies et santé
Rattachée au(x) thème(s) de recherche suivant(s):
Maladies Neurodégénératives;
Modèles animaux;
Liens avec d'autres structures :
Site ESR :
Alliance Languedoc-Roussillon Universités, depuis le 01/01/2020