Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation

Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur,
de la Recherche et de l'Innovation


200919034E :  IMMUNITE ET CANCER, U932 
Unité de recherche   (situation 2024) 


DIR. - Le responsable ne souhaite pas publier ses coordonnées.
DIR. ADJ. - Le responsable ne souhaite pas publier ses coordonnées.


INS.CURIE INS.CURIE - Institut Curie Paris (U 932)
(établissement tutelle à partir de 2009)
Etablissement référent
INSERM INSERM - Institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicale (U 932)
(établissement tutelle à partir de 2009)
PSL PSL - Université Paris sciences et lettres (U 932)
(établissement tutelle à partir de 2020)
Institut Curie, Centre de Recherche, 26, rue d'Ulm
75248 PARIS
  courriel :
Site web :
Taille en ETP (sans compter les stagiaires): supérieure à 50.
Descriptif :
The main topics addressed by the unit support an integrative research program focused on tumor biology and immunology. The common objective of the teams is to gain a better understanding of the basic molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie immunity, by analyzing critical molecular and cell biological mechanisms of adaptive and innate immune responses.
Année de création : 2009
Mission de la structure : Recherche
Mode de gestion de la structure : Gestion au cas par cas
SIRET de la structure : 78425716400045
Classement scientifique ERC
 - LS2 : Integrative Biology: from Genes and Genomes to Systems : Genetics, epigenetics, genomics and other ‘omics studies, bioinformatics, systems biology, genetic diseases, gene editing, innovative methods and modelling, ‘omics for personalised medicine
 - LS4 : Physiology in Health, Disease and Ageing : Organ and tissue physiology, comparative physiology, physiology of ageing, pathophysiology, inter-organ and tissue communication, endocrinology, nutrition, metabolism, interaction with the microbiome, non-communicable diseases including cancer (and except disorders of the nervous system and immunity-related diseases))
 - LS3 : Cellular, Developmental and Regenerative Biology : Structure and function of the cell, cell-cell communication, embryogenesis, tissue differentiation, organogenesis, growth, development, evolution of development, organoids, stem cells, regeneration, therapeutic approaches
 - LS6 : Immunity, Infection and Immunotherapy : The immune system, related disorders and their mechanisms, biology of infectious agents and infection, biological basis of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, innovative immunological tools and approaches, including therapies
 - LS1 : Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions : Molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biophysics, synthetic and chemical biology, drug design, innovative methods and modelling
Domaine scientifique
 - 5 : Biologie, médecine et santé 2009 0
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) de rattachement
Non renseigné
Rattachée au(x) programme(s) LOLF suivant(s):
Non renseigné
Rattachée au(x) thème(s) de recherche suivant(s):
Cell biology of antigen presentation and role of epigenetic regulation in immune cell development.; Intracellular trafficking and innate immune response (HIV infection).; Role of mechanical force and the T cell antigen receptor in controling T lymphocyte function.; MAIT cell biology and CD4 T cells in cancer.; Molecular processes regulating cell motility and function of Dendritic cells and B lymphocytes. ; Key molecular processes that control antiviral immunity.; Tumour immunology and the characterisation of the immune microenvironment in tumour-draining lymph nodes.; Properties of extra-cellular vesicles (ECVs) and their role in cancer.;
Liens avec d'autres structures :
Site ESR :

Fiche mise à jour par Tatiana MALHERBE le 25/01/2022 à 17:08