DIR. - Ludger JOHANNES à partir du 01/01/2014 ( )
DIR. ADJ. - Le responsable ne souhaite pas publier ses coordonnées.
Etablissements. |
INS.CURIE - Institut Curie Paris (UMR 3666)
(établissement tutelle à
partir de 2014)
Etablissement référent
CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique (UMR 3666)
(établissement tutelle à
partir de 2014)
INSERM - Institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicale (U 1143)
(établissement tutelle à
partir de 2014)
PSL - Université Paris sciences et lettres (UMR 3666)
(établissement tutelle à
partir de 2020)
U PARIS Cité - Université Paris Cité (UMR 3666)
(établissement participant à
partir de 2020)
Adresse 26 rue d'Ulm
75248 PARIS CEDEX 05
courriel :
Site web :
Taille en ETP (sans compter les stagiaires):
entre 10 et 50.
Descriptif :
Wider than pharmacology or medicinal chemistry, chemical biology consists in designing and developing chemical tools, and using them to better unravel the functioning of biological systems, should it be an organism, a cell, or a biochemical reaction, and without the need or the aim of an immediate medical application. In the case of this unit, chemical biology has been used to study various processes that occur in biological membranes, including signal transduction, cell response to mechanical stress, and membrane traffic. The arrival of the
Rodriguez team has expanded the expertise of the unit to the field of cancer biology. To better acknowledge this change, the previous unit’s name ‘chemical biology of membranes’ will change to ‘cellular and chemical
biology’. A more detailed list of the research lines is as follows:
¿ glycosphingolipid functions in endocytosis and intracellular sorting;
¿ caveolae in mechanoprotection, signaling and transduction;
¿ intracellular signalling from endosomes;
¿ small molecule lead discovery in membrane trafficking, signal transduction and epigenetics;
¿ targeted delivery of therapeutic compounds to tumors and to dendritic cells for immunotherapy;
¿ identification of chromatin binding sites of chemical compounds (click-seq) and therapeutic principles for personalized medicine.
Année de création :
Mission de la structure :
Mode de gestion de la structure :
Gestion au cas par cas
SIRET de la structure :
Classement scientifique ERC
- LS9 : Biotechnology and Biosystems Engineering : Biotechnology using all organisms, biotechnology for environment and food applications, applied plant and animal sciences, bioengineering and synthetic biology, biomass and biofuels, biohazards
- LS1 : Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions : Molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, molecular biophysics, synthetic and chemical biology, drug design, innovative methods and modelling
- LS3 : Cellular, Developmental and Regenerative Biology : Structure and function of the cell, cell-cell communication, embryogenesis, tissue differentiation, organogenesis, growth, development, evolution of development, organoids, stem cells, regeneration, therapeutic approaches
Domaine scientifique
- 5 : Biologie, médecine et santé 2014 0
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) de rattachement
Non renseigné
Rattachée au(x) programme(s) LOLF suivant(s):
Non renseigné
Rattachée au(x) thème(s) de recherche suivant(s):
Keywords: Clathrin; clathrin-independent; raft; glycosphingolipid; lectin; galectin; glycosylation; endocytosis; endosome; intracellular trafficking; retrograde transport; retromer; syntaxin;
endoplasmic reticulum; Shiga toxin; intoxication; integrin; CD44; small molecule inhibitor; chemical genetics; therapeutic delivery; linker arm chemistry; prodrug; ADC; immunotherapy; breast cancer;
Medicinal Chemistry; Chemical Biology; self-immolative spacers; drug targeting; immunology; breast cancer; muscular dystrophies; athrosclerosis;
Caveolae, cavins, EHD2, mechanotransduction, lipid rafts, nanodomains, endocytosis, intracellular trafficking, endosome; JAK/STAT signaling; interferon receptors; mechanical stress; 3D spheroids ;
Small molecules; iron; endocytosis; traffic; chromatin; epigenetics; cancer;
Liens avec d'autres structures :
Regroupe :
Unité propre 202324398Z - Imagerie Spatio-Temporelle, Intelligence Artificielle et Calcul Numérique pour la Biologie Cellulaire et Chemobiologie
(lien non exclusif)
Site ESR :
Fiche mise à jour par Tatiana MALHERBE le 22/08/2023 à 17:52